These employees have reached the following milestones this month, and we celebrate and appreciate their longevity with us. Congratulations! Kim Hesting – 28 Years, Kim Davis – 16 Years, Betty Schwant – 10 Years, Brenda Bruntzel – 6 Years, Alice Carter – 6 Years, Carol Hewitt – 6 Years, Kevin Stover – 6 Years, Julie Huffman – 3 Years, Phyllis Kjellberg – 2 Years, Stacy Thompson – 2 Years.
Most days I pray for God to help me be warm, winsome and wise. I also ask Him to keep me calm, cool, collected and composed. In my line of work, I am prone to be cold, heavy and wise with only the wisdom of the world. As I work through problems, through my mistakes and the mistakes of others, and complicated circumstances, it seems that discombobulation comes more naturally than being calm and composed. Praying gets me into a mental and physical stance that I am open to God’s help and ways rather than the ways of my flesh.
I often recite “trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding,” Doug. But it’s in surrendered prayer time I really cooperate with God so that I handle the tough circumstances His way rather than the natural way I would do it.
Sometimes it’s blurry whether it’s me talking to me or God talking to me. But, when God brings to my heart and mind His words from Philippians 2:3-4, “Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests…”, I know I am hearing from God. Those thoughts in those verses are not how I naturally think. But when I go at it in God’s way, I am warmer, more winsome and wiser.
Happy surrendering to God’s way of living.
Doug Johnson
Proverbs 11:25, “A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed,”
Proverbs 11:25 suggests the Lord blesses those who are generous and kind to those around us. This reflects the Lord’s nature of being generous. In life, there are many different ways the Lord may choose to bless us. We may not think of receiving blessings from the Internal Revenue Code and the Kansas tax code. But, through the use of Charitable Trusts, we are able to be blessed by our own generous giving while supporting charities we strongly care about.
The two main categories of Charitable Trusts are Charitable Remainder Trusts (CRTs) and Charitable Lead Trusts (CLTs). We will discuss each of these more fully over the next two months. For this month, let’s look at 4 benefits common to Charitable Trusts we are permitted to establish under Federal and State tax codes:
Establishing a charitable trust allows you to embody the spirit of Proverbs 11:25, providing you benefits while helping others. Next month, we will look at one of the specific types of Charitable Trusts, the Charitable Remainder Trust. In the meantime, if you have questions concerning Charitable Trusts and how the Guaranty can assist you with furthering your charitable goals, please don’t hesitate to contact us and set up a time we can discuss this opportunity more in-depth.
Shannon McDowell, JD, CTFA
Vice President & Trust Officer
Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisors they succeed. Proverbs 15:22
Are you coming up on a momentous milestone?
At age 65, You will soon be eligible for Medicare Coverage. This is a very BIG DAY and Insurance Companies know it … We are sure the past several months your mailbox has been full of solicitations!
What do you need to know? What options make the most sense for you? So much information…
Did you know that we can help you with all your Medicare needs?
We are offering a free consultation in our local office to gain information about Medicare that is most important to you. I hope you take advantage of this complimentary service.
Call our office today at 785-738-4429 to set up your free consultation. See you soon!
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